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Pets in a Rental Property: Yes or No?

Pets in a Rental Property: Yes or No?

In the US, pets are very common. In fact, 67% of households have a pet, whether that's a dog, cat, or something smaller. 

When reviewing policies or setting up a contract for San Diego property management, you might be wondering if pets in a rental property are ever a good idea.

The truth is, there are many pros and cons to either side of the argument, and you'll have to consider both sides to make your decision.

The Pros of Pets

There are many advantages to allowing pets in a San Diego rental property. It's important to consider them, even if your kneejerk reaction is no to allowing pets. 

More Tenant Options

If you decide that the answer to, "should I allow pets in a rental property?" is a no, you might find that your option for tenants is cut drastically.

Many landlords do allow pets these days, so some otherwise great tenants might have to go somewhere else. You won't be able to be particularly selective about who moves into your apartment, because you're cutting out up to 68% of your potential tenants.

Higher Rent

If you do allow pets, however, you might be able to set higher rent. Many landlords charge a pet fee for allowing dogs and cats in apartments in the San Diego property management industry. 

If there aren't too many apartments in your area that allow pets, this also provides an advantage for setting higher rent.

Longer Residency

People with pets may not want to skip around rental properties as much. Moving can be stressful on pets, and they're more likely to want to stay in one place.

This saves you from having to find new tenants and, if they take care of the apartment, keeps you in a good spot. That means less stress on you because of these long-term rentals

The Cons of Pets

As with anything, however, there are some cons to allowing pets. It's important to look at this side of the argument too.


There are many reasons pets might want to destroy things, especially dogs who can be prone to separation anxiety and other conditions that may make them destructive. This is always a risk when allowing pets in your apartment.


As well as damage, you might be stuck with excessive barking that annoys neighbors. 

This tends not to be an issue with older, calmer dogs, but puppies can be very vocal. Some breeds are also natural watchdogs and on high-alert all the time.


The other con of allowing pets is that there might be an odor that's hard to clean.

This is especially common with cats who use the litter box inside.

Should You Allow Pets in a Rental Property?

So, should you allow pets in a rental property? That's a question only you can answer, and it's important to weigh all of the pros and cons before making a decision. 

On the one hand, a bigger potential tenant pool and more loyal renters are huge draws. However, there's always the risk of damage, noise, and odors that you'll have to take.

If you're a landlord who's looking for property management services in San Diego, contact us today! We can provide a free analysis as well as a number of other services. 
